
Product Preview DS21Q55
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Signal Name: RSYNCx
Signal Description: Receive Sync
Signal Type: Input/Output
An extracted pulse, one RCLK wide, is output at this pin which identifies either frame (IOCR1.5 = 0) or multiframe
(IOCR1.5 = 1) boundaries. If set to output-frame boundaries then via IOCR1.6, RSYNC can also be set to output double-wide
pulses on signaling frames in T1 mode. If the receive-side elastic store is enabled, then this pin can be enabled to be an input
via IOCR1.4 at which a frame or multiframe boundary pulse is applied.
Signal Name: RFSYNCx
Signal Description: Receive Frame Sync
Signal Type: Output
An extracted 8kHz pulse, one RCLK wide, is output at this pin, which identifies frame boundaries.
Signal Name: RMSYNCx
Signal Description: Receive Multiframe Sync
Signal Type: Output
An extracted pulse, one RCLK wide (elastic store disabled) or one RSYSCLK wide (elastic store enabled), is output at this pin,
which identifies multiframe boundaries.
Signal Name: RSYSCLKx
Signal Description: Receive System Clock
Signal Type: Input
1.544MHz, 2.048MHz, 4.096MHz, or 8.192MHz clock. Only used when the receive-side elastic-store function is enabled.
Should be tied low in applications that do not use the receive-side elastic store. See Interleaved PCM Bus Operation for details
on 4.096MHz and 8.192MHz operation using the IBO.
Signal Name: RSIGx
Signal Description: Receive Signaling Output
Signal Type: Output
Outputs signaling bits in a PCM format. Updated on rising edges of RCLK when the receive-side elastic store is disabled.
Updated on the rising edges of RSYSCLK when the receive-side elastic store is enabled.
Signal Name: RLOS/LOTCx
Signal Description: Receive Loss of Sync/Loss of Transmit Clock
Signal Type: Output
A dual-function output that is controlled by the CCR1.0 control bit. This pin can be programmed to either toggle high when the
synchronizer is searching for the frame and multiframe or to toggle high if the TCLK pin has not been toggled for 5ยตsec.
Signal Name: RSIGFx
Signal Description: Receive Signaling Freeze
Signal Type: Output
Set high when the signaling data is frozen via either automatic or manual intervention. Used to alert downstream equipment of
the condition.