User Guide 13ProFire 610
Level Fader
The Level Fader controls the output level for its corresponding channel. Double-clicking or Alt/Option-Clicking
on a channel fader will set the fader to unity gain.
Channel Name
The name displayed at the bottom of each channel strip can be changed by clicking on the field. Once you
have entered a new name, press the enter/return key to confirm the new channel name.
Note that changing channel names only affects the appearance of the channel names within the Control Panel
mixer tabs—this feature does not affect your audio application in any way. Also note that renaming a channel in
one mixer tab results in the new name appearing in all of the remaining mixer tabs.
✓ T I P : Once you have finished naming a channel, pressing the tab key allows you to immediately
jump to the next channel and begin naming it. This lets you name all of the mixer channels
Settings Tab
The Settings window provides controls for various ProFire 610
hardware and synchronization settings. Note that the Control
Panel provides separate drop-down menus for “hosted” and
“standalone” modes. Hosted mode (i.e., when the interface is
used with a computer) is the most common use of ProFire 610
whereas standalone mode allows the interface to be used without
a computer. Both sets of drop-down menus are covered in this
section. For more information about standalone mode, refer to the
“Standalone Operation” chapter later in this guide.
Hosted Mode – Sync Source
This drop-down menu lets you select the digital synchronization source of the interface when ProFire 610 is in
Hosted Mode. The menu selects between ProFire 610 internal sync or external sync via an incoming S/PDIF
Windows only:
Buffer Size drop-down menu.