Minimize reflective surfaces. Hard surfaces like wood floors, smooth walls, windows and
rors are a common culprit in phase issues because they reflect sound back into the microphone.
If things sound odd, try moving the performer and/or mic. Also experiment with damping those
eflections with blankets,towels,baffles and the like.
Avoid boxing in mics. Microphones typically need a little breathing room in order to avoid
reflection. Omnis placed in a corner, for example, often sound like theyre, well, in a corner!
Similarly,placing the back of a cardioid too close to a surface or corner can sonically block the rear
ports, thereby distorting the effective polar pattern of the mic. Also, exercise care when using
baffles and gobos because these mechanisms do not completely absorb sound and can actually
cause reflections when placed too close to the mic.
Choosing & Using Microphones
Choosing & Using Microphones