LTRx-512 Installation and User’s Guide
Press [0] to turn them all off, or press keys [1] - [8] to turn a circuit off or on
When you see the circuits that you want to ring, press and hold the [#] key. The front panel lights will
light up to show that you have turned on those relays. Release the [#] key to turn those relays back
off. Note that the relays scheduled to turn ‘on’ will cycle as programmed
You can now sound other circuits, or press [*] to quit
Note: When your CLOCK1 Type is Type 14 (Electronic Coded) or Type 15 (Straight Frequency), you
may need to hold the [#] key for about a minute to energize your bell circuits. You will know that
your circuits have turned on when the green front panel lights for those circuits light up
Auto Bell Test
No password is required for this function
Use the Auto Bell Test feature to turn on all bell relays once per minute at the start of each minute.
Once you start this function, you can test the continuity of your bell wiring circuits. Use the “hidden
code” 2355878 [BELLTST] to start the Auto Bell Test. While entering this code, ignore anything that
displays on the screen
Use Function [6] to disable any relays that you do not want to use in your testing
Once you finish testing, make sure you re-enter the hidden code to stop the Auto Bell Test and use
Function [6] to enable any relays that you earlier disabled
[4]=Program Schedules
Use this function to set bell schedules. A schedule lists the days and times when the bell circuits will
turn on. Your Master can have up to eight (8) different bell schedules with up to sixty-four (64)
‘events’ per schedule. If needed, you can make several schedules active at the same time to increase
the number of events to as many as 512 (8 multiplied by 64). In fact, each ‘event’ can trigger several
‘actions’. For example, you can program a single event to turn on relays #1, #2 and #4 for 7 seconds
at 08:00 AM on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Holidays
Enter your password (#0#), then press [#][4][#] to start programming schedules
Press Schedule Number [1] - [8]. Normally, start with [1]