When this switch is pushed in, the built-
in amplifiers turn on and off depending on
the presence or absence of an input signal.
An input signal level of –45 dBu (mini-
mum) activates the auto-on function. A
silent period greater than three minutes
activates the auto-off function. The blue
LED on the front of the speaker reflects the
state of the amplifiers.
THERMAL Indicator
This LED lights if the heatsink tempera-
ture exceeds a safe operating temperature
and triggers the thermal safety switch.
When this occurs, the built-in amplifiers
shut down until the heatsink temperature
cools back down. Then the thermal switch
resets itself, the THERMAL indicator turns
off, and normal operation resumes.
If the SRM450 keeps
shutting down, make
sure there is plenty of
ventilation to the rear
panel. Please see “Ther-
mal Considerations” on page 12.
The SRM450 has several connectors,
controls, and indicators that you should
IEC Socket
This is where you connect the supplied
AC linecord to provide AC power to the
SRM450’s built-in power amplifiers. Plug
the linecord into an AC socket properly
configured for your particular model.
Note: If you happen to lose the AC line-
cord, replacements are readily available at
any office or computer supply store. Always
use a three-pin plug with a ground pin.
POWER Switch
Switch up to turn the SRM450 on, and
switch down to turn it off. Make sure the
level control is down before you turn it on.
POWER ON Indicator
When the POWER switch is turned on,
and the linecord is connected to an active
AC Mains supply, this indicator, located
just above the POWER switch, glows to let
you know that you’re ready to rock and
roll. The cool blue LED on the front of the
speaker works in the same way.