Problem 4: Connect occasionally displays its initialization window while
one or more PassageWay applications are running.
Connect displays its initialization window whenever it establishes (or re-
establishes) communication with the telephone. Generally, this window is
displayed only once, at the time when a single PassageWay application is first
executed. However, if a communications problem occurs at any time,
Connect attempts to clear the problem by reinitializing itself, which causes the
initialization window to reappear temporarily. If this occurs while a
PassageWay application is performing a task involving the telephone, the
operation in progress will be aborted and must be restarted manually once
the initialization window disappears. If no task involving the telephone is in
progress during this process, the operation of PassageWay applications is
The chance of a communications problem depends on your PC's
configuration. The PassageWay Service Provider operates at a data rate of
9600 baud, and it relies on Windows to manage the flow of data through your
PC's serial port. Depending upon the speed of your PC, the number and type
of applications you are using, and various hardware components in your PC
configuration, Windows will be able to manage serial communications with
varying degrees of effectiveness.
If you encounter frequent communications errors using the PassageWay
Service Provider, your PC's current hardware configuration may not support
reliable high-speed communications under Windows. Appendix A includes
information about choosing serial port hardware that can work reliably at high
speeds under Windows.
Problem 5: Connect will not run. It displays the message: Connect must
terminate due to an unexpected communications error and
then terminates.
This message indicates that Connect cannot communicate with the COM port
you specified using the PassageWay Configurator. Run the PassageWay
Configurator and select a different COM port.