Personal Directory
On 4424LD+ and MLX-20L telephones only, this feature stores up to 50 telephone numbers (as
well as account codes, area codes, and access codes), and then dials those numbers when you
wish. You can enter, change, select, dial, and delete listings from the display. You can place often-
used listings on the Home screen.
When entering or changing names, use the screen to select letters A–G; use the line buttons, as
labeled on the faceplate, to enter H–Z. Select Punctuation to use the displayed punctuation
marks. You may need to use special characters (see outside back cover) when entering dialing
sequences. Include dial-out codes, if needed.
The screen guides you through Personal Directory activities, so the steps are summarized here.
Press Exit (Home on MLX telephones) to stop the activity. Constant-width text
indicates a screen selection.
To enter a listing:
Menu→Directory→Personal Dir→Enter New→Type name→Enter→Type
number→Enter→Yes or No→Enter→Exit
To assign a listing to the Home screen:
Menu→Directory→Personal Dir→Put on Home→Select letter range→Select
listing→Select location on the Home screen→Exit
To dial a listing on the Home screen:
Exit→Press a line or SA button→Select listing
To dial a listing not on the Home screen:
Exit→Next Page→Next Page→Select letter range→Press a line or SA button→Select
To verify a stored telephone number, use the steps above to display the letter range, and:
Show Number→Select listing→Show Number
To delete a listing:
Menu→Directory→Personal Dir→Delete Entry→Select letter range→Select
To change a listing:
Menu→Directory→Personal Dir→Edit Entry→Select letter range→Select
listing→Select part of listing to change→Enter new information→Enter→Exit→Exit