The Fish ID feature identifies targets that meet certain conditions as fish.
The microcomputer analyses all echoes and eliminates surface clutter,
thermoclines, and other signals that are undesirable. In most instances,
remaining targets are fish. The Fish ID feature displays symbols on the
screen in place of the actual fish echoes. There are four fish symbol sizes:
tiny, small, medium, and large. These are used to designate the relative
size between targets. In other words, it displays a small fish symbol when
it thinks a target is a small fish, a medium fish symbol on a larger target, etc.
The microcomputer is sophisticated, but it can be fooled. It can't distin-
guish between fish and other suspended objects such as trotlines, turtles,
submerged floats, air bubbles, etc. Individual tree limbs extending out-
wards from a group of limbs is the hardest object for the Fish ID feature
to distinguish from fish.
You may see Fish ID symbols on the screen when actually, there are no
fish. Practice with the unit in both the Fish ID mode and without to become
more familiar with the Fish ID feature.
When the X-65 is turned on, the Fish
ID feature is automatically turned on,
also. To turn the Fish ID feature off,
press the menu key, then press the
arrow keys until the FISH ID menu
appears. Press the left arrow key to
turn the fish ID feature off. To turn the
Fish ID feature on again, repeat the
above steps, but press the right arrow
key until the "ON" is highlighted. Any
targets the microcomputer determines
are fish will be displayed as fish sym-
Remember, the Fish ID feature can’t be used when the X-65 is in the
manual mode. If you turn the Fish ID feature on when the X-65 is in
manual, the microcomputer will turn the automatic feature on. If you turn
automatic off when the Fish ID feature is on, the Fish ID feature will be
turned off also.
The FishTrack feature shows the depth of a fish symbol when it appears
on the display. This lets you accurately gauge the depth of targets. This
feature is available only when the Fish ID feature is on.