To mount the sonar, slide the unit onto the bracket from above (left).
To adjust the view, press and release spring-loaded ratchets while tilt-
ing the unit (right).
To adjust the viewing angle, pinch the quick-release mount's ratchets
with one hand, then tilt the unit with your other hand. Release the rat-
chets and the unit locks into the new position. To remove the unit from
the PPP-12, press the ratchets and lift the unit off the bracket.
Turn the sonar unit on. If it works, turn it off and finish assembling the
portable transducer. If it doesn't work, make sure the battery terminals
are making good contact against the battery contacts. Also make sure
the batteries are oriented correctly in the battery adapter.
If it still doesn't work, check the battery voltage. Most complaints we
hear about portable units result from stale batteries. Make sure you buy
fresh ones. Always remove batteries from the compartment when storing
the unit because dead batteries can leak and corrode the contacts.
In cold weather the efficiency of dry cell batteries drops with the tem-
perature. We find it a good idea to have the batteries and the sonar
unit good and warm before we leave home.
If the batteries do lose a charge, you can sometimes restore them by
placing them in a warm room or car interior. A better way is to replace
them with batteries that have been kept warm.
Never heat batteries over an open flame or direct hot air
onto them. A fire or explosion could result.
Portable Transducer Assembly
Assemble the transducer and portable bracket as shown in the follow-
ing illustrations.