Stop Chart
The Stop Chart feature allow you to stop the sonar chart from scrolling.
To stop/start chart:
1. Press MENU|↓ to STOP CHART|ENT|EXIT. Repeat this step to restart
the sonar chart.
Surface Clarity
Surface Clarity control reduces or eliminates surface
clutter signals from the display.
To adjust the Surface Clarity level:
1. From the Sonar Page, press MENU|↓ to SONAR FEA-
2. Press
↓ or ↑ to select clarity level|EXIT|EXIT|EXIT.
Zoom & Zoom Bar
The Zoom feature allows you to zoom in the screen.
To switch the zoom:
1. Press ZIN to zoom in display 2X. Press ZIN again for a 4X zoom.
2. Press
ZOUT to reduce the zoom and show more of the chart.
To turn on the Zoom Bar:
2. The Sonar Features menu appears. Press ↓ to
BAR|ENT|EXIT|EXIT. To turn off the Zoom Bar, repeat steps 1 and 2.
Sonar Page zoomed 2X (left). Sonar Page zoomed 4X (right).
Zoom Pan
The Zoom Pan feature lets you move up and down water column when
the 2X or 4X zoom is active.
To use Zoom Pan:
1. Switch to a manual Depth Range setting and turn on 2X or 4X Zoom.
2. Press ↑ or
↓ to pan up and down the water column.