
Squeezebox™ Boom User Guide 27
Appendix A: Confi guring Your Firewall
Firewalls on your computer can often cause connection problems for
network devices like Squeezebox Boom. While it is not necessary to disable
your fi rewall in order to allow Squeezebox to communicate with your
computer, temporarily disabling it can be a quick way of diagnosing the
problem. If turning off your computer’s fi rewall allows Squeezebox Boom
to connect to SqueezeCenter, you should turn it back on and confi gure it to
allow communication on the following ports:
Port 3483 (UDP)
Port 3483 (TCP)
Port 9000 (TCP)
Detailed instructions for confi guring various fi rewalls can be found at
www.logitech.com, under Support | Troubleshooting. Select Wireless Music
Systems from the list of product categories.
Note: It is not necessary, or even desirable, to change the fi rewall settings
on your router to use Squeezebox Boom. Consult a network professional
if you are unsure of how to confi gure your network properly.