
10/100 Bridge and USB Adapter
Instant PowerLine
2. All of the Instant PowerLine devices on your powerline network must share
the same network password. The password must have between 4 and 24
characters. The password is case-sensitive, so note whether you use lower-
case or uppercase letters. The password can include any letters of the alpha-
bet, numbers, or punctuation marks. Type in your password in the Network
Password field. Then click the Next button.
Figure 10-2
Important: Remember this password. You will need to set this pass-
word on each Instant PowerLine device on your powerline network.
Chapter 10: Using the Security
Configuration Utility
After installing your EtherFast 10/100 Bridge or USB Adapter and USB driv-
er, you will run the Security Configuration Utility for each Instant PowerLine
device. This utility will set up security using a network password.
To ensure the security of an Instant PowerLine Device, set up a
network password using the Instant PowerLine Security
Configuration Utility. To begin, double-click the Security
Configuration Utility icon on your desktop.
1. You will see the screen shown in Figure 10-1. Click the Next button.
Note: Make sure your TCP/IP protocol is set up appropriately on
your computer before running the Security Configuration Utility.
For more information, refer to Appendix C: IP Addressing.
Setting Up Security on an Instant PowerLine Device
Figure 10-1