4. In the “Copying Files” window, enter the drive letter of your CD-ROM
drive. In most cases, the CD-ROM drive is either D:\ or E:\. Enter the appro-
priate drive letter and click OK.
Network files will be copied onto your PC, which may take a few minutes.
SSkkiipp FFiillee
Doing so will disrupt the file copy.
Phoneline Network Card & Network in a Box
2. Insert the HomeLink Installation CD into your PC’s CD-ROM drive and
click Next.
3. Windows will search for the HomeLink Card software driver. When the
window below appears to confirm that the driver is found, click Finish.
If Windows fails to find the driver, reinsert your
HomeLink driver CD and click
OOtthheerr LLooccaattiioonnss
Direct the search to your CD-ROM drive, e.g., D:\..
Remember, you must let your CD-ROM drive start spinning up before
you begin using your HomeLink driver installation CD.
If a “New Hardware Found” window shown below asks for the“Driver
from disk provided by hardware manufacturer,” you are using
Version A of Windows 95. Go to page 43 for Version A driver instal-
Linksys HomeLink Series