
Instant GigaCD Server
Default Server Name This is the name given to the Server by the
Server Name This is the name given to the Server by the user or, if
one has not been selected by the user, it is identical to the Default
Server Name.
Date Current date, provided by the Server’s clock/calendar.
Time Current time, provided by the Server’s clock/calendar.
Time Zone Current time zone setting.
Firmware Version Version of the Server’s software.
Hardware ID Server’s serial number.
Hardware Address Also known as the Physical Address or MAC
Address, this is a low level identifier which corresponds to the
Network Adapter Address on a PC.
IP Address This is the Server’s current IP Address.
EtherFast Series
Disk ID The values for the IDE interface are indicated here.
Type This will display the type of hard disk installed on the Server.
Size This displays the total hard disk size available to the user.
Used This indicates the amount of the hard disk already filled.
Free This indicates the amount of hard disk space remaining.
Heads This displays the number of heads on the hard disk.
Cylinders This displays the number of cylinders, which is equal to
the number of tracks on the hard disk.
Sectors This displays the number of sectors in each track.