For each wire feed speed, a corresponding voltage is
preprogrammed into the machine by welding experts.
This preprogrammed voltage is the best average volt-
age for the procedure at the given wire feed speed. If
the wire feed speed is changed on the wire feeder, the
voltage automatically changes with it.
In some cases, the operator may want to change the
preprogrammed voltages; for example, to compensate
for cable and fixture voltage drops.The preset voltages
can be adjusted on the wire feeder’s Voltage display.
When a change is made to the voltage at one wire feed
speed, this change is applied to all other wire feed
speed settings. For example, if the operator turns up
the voltage by 10 percent, the machine automatically
increases the preset voltages at all the other wire feed
speeds by 10 percent. In the GMAW and FCAW
process, the display shows The Procedure Description,
WFS and Preset Voltage.The preset voltage which was
pro-grammed at the factory, may be changed on the
wire feeder voltage display. Note that if you change the
default preset voltage up or down a respective “”or “”
sign will be dis-played after the preset value. When the
gun trigger is pulled note that the display changes to
show WFS, Actual Arc Volt-age and Actual Arc Current.
See Table B.4 for display summary.
In these procedures, the actual voltage greatly
depends on the waveform used. The peak currents,
background currents, rise times, fall times, and pulse
times all affect the actual volt-age. The actual voltage
for a given wire feed speed is not directly predictable
unless the waveform is known. In this case, it is not
practical to preset an actual voltage for the pro-cedure.
Instead, an arc length adjustment is provided. The
machine “knows” what the best arc length is at the
given wire feed speed but allows the operator to
change it.
The arc length can be adjusted between 0.5 and 1.5 on
the wire feeder’s Voltage display. An arc length trim of
1.0 means that no adjustments will be made to the pre-
set arc lengths. An arc length trim greater than 1.0
increases the preset arc lengths. An arc length trim
less than 1.0 decreases the pre-set arc lengths. The
arc length adjustment is factored in at all wire feed
speed settings.
Increasing the arc length by 10 percent at a given wire
feed speed also increases all the other arc length set-
tings of the procedure by 10 percent. In the Pulse
process, the display shows the Procedure Description,
WFS and Arc Length Trim. Arc length trim is pro-
grammed to a default at the factory and may be adjust-
ed on the wire feeder. When the trigger is pulled, the
WFS, Actual Arc Voltage and Actual Arc Current are
Stick / TIG
Stick welding can be performed with the Power Wave
450 by attaching a remote control kit to the 6-pin
amphenol on the front of the machine. The K941-1
remote control kit is recom-mended. Select the Stick
Process from either the Pulse, GMAW and FCAW,
Stick process selection overlay, or recall it from a previ-
ously stored memory location with a Weld From
Memory overlay. When this process is selected, the
Power Wave 450 reads the current (amps) setting from
the remote control kit. It also controls the output of the
machine based on the position of the Output Terminals
switch, which is also located on the remote control kit.
When this switch is in the ON position, the output ter-
minals of the Power Wave 450 are electrically hot.
When the switch is in the OFF position, the output ter-
minals of the Power Wave 450 are electrically cold and
the machine cannot produce an output. In the Stick
Pro-cess, the LCD display shows Procedure
Description, and Pre-set Current (SET=). The Current
Trim is always equal to 1 (T=1.00). When the trigger is
pulled the Preset Current, Ac-tual Arc Voltage and
Actual Arc Current are displayed.
See Tables B.3 and B.4 for a summary of the informa-
tion discussed above.
The wave control settings of all procedures can be
changed on the Power Wave 450 GMAW Pulse,
GMAW and FCAW, Stick Process Selection Overlay.
The wave control is a setup parameter that may be
adjusted when the welding procedures are set. This
feature pro-vides an easy way to change the arc
behavior without creating a new procedure. The wave
control setting of a procedure limits the speed at which
the current waveform of that procedure can change.
Typically, each procedure is programmed to have aver-
age wave con-trol (at the center of the scale).
B-19 B-19