
D1.8 Seismic Supplement Welding Manual
The AISC’s Prequalified Connections document prescribes prequalified structural connections
(beam-to-column connections, for example, not to be confused with AWS prequalified welding procedure
specifications, or with prequalified joint details). As part of connection prequalification, welding-related
issues such as backing removal, weld tab removal, weld metal properties and inspection requirements
are prescribed.
AWS D1.8 and Other AWS Standards
AWS D1.8 supplements AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code—Steel
. D1.8 does not replace D1.1, and except
as modified by D1.8, all of D1.1 still applies when D1.8 is specified. See D1.8, clause 1.1.
AWS D1.8 is intended to be used on steel structures, where D1.1 applies. D1.8 should not, for example,
be used to supplement AWS D1.6 Structural Welding Code—Stainless Steel
. See D1.8, clause 1.3.
AWS D1.8 references the AWS A5 Filler Metal Specifications. Of particular interest is the reference to AWS
A5.20: 2005
since this specification has incorporated a new supplemental electrode designator, the “-D”
suffix. This suffix reflects a concept contained in both FEMA 353 and D1.8, that of high-low heat input
testing, discussed later in this manual. It is expected that future editions of AWS A5.29 will include a
similar supplemental designator.
AWS D1.8 and Contract Documents
Contract Documents are used to specify requirements that may modify provisions contained within codes.
In the case of D1.8, Contract Documents play an especially important role, since many provisions typically
required for buildings designed to resist seismic loading are not specified in D1.8. Rather, D1.8 requires that
when such provisions are to apply, the Engineer must specify them in the Contract Documents. Thus,
Contract Documents may be used to “customize” requirements around a specific project. The implication is
that one project governed by D1.8 may have significantly different requirements from another, because the
Contract Documents for the two projects are different.
AWS D1.8 and FEMA 353
D1.8 and FEMA 353 are totally separate documents, and it would be impossible to impose both provisions to
govern a project without creating significant conflict and contradictions. However, qualifications and various
tests done to meet the criteria of FEMA 353 may be used to meet similar or identical requirements in D1.8.
Accordingly, such transfer of results is encouraged in D1.8, subject to the Engineer’s approval. For example,
the welder qualification test as prescribed in FEMA 353, Appendix B is similar to that specified in D1.8 Annex
D, and the D1.8 commentary specifically encourages the Engineer to accept previous welder qualification
testing done to FEMA 353 requirements.