
Lap Welds
Use fillet weld procedures
for laps on 3/8” and
thicker plate.
ner Welds
Plate Size – T (in.) 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2
Leg Size – L (in.) 3/32 1/8 5/132 3/16 1/4
Pass 1 1 1 1 1
Electrode/Class Jetweld 1/E7024-1
Size 5/32 3/16 7/32 7/32 1/4
Current – Amps 215 260 330 340 390
Polarity AC AC AC AC AC
Arc Speed In./Min. 24.5 21 20.5 18 15.5
Ft. of Weld/Hr.
120 105 103 90 77
Lbs. of Elec./Ft. of weld .075 .114 .152 .175 .250
Plate Size – T (in.) 3/16 1/4 5/16
Leg Size – L (in.) 3/16 1/4 5/16
No. of Passes 1 1 1
Electrode/AWS Class Jetweld 1/E7024-1
Diameter (in.) 3/16 7/32 7/32
Current (Amps) 290 360 360
Polarity AC AC AC
Arc Speed In./Min. 15-1/2 15 13
Ft. of Weld/Hr.
78 75 65
Lbs. of Elec./Ft. of weld .170 .211 .253
L = 1/2 T
Note: Maximum strength, full size corner welds, as illustrated,
can be made using the next smaller E7024 electrode, lower
currents, slower arc speed and slower travel speed. Use 2
passes on 1/2” plate when making full size corner weld.
(1) 100% operating factor.