This warranty shall not apply to damage or defects caused by:
• Misuse or improper use, including but not exhaustively (a) use of the
equipment for a purpose other than that for which it was designed or not
in conformity with the manufacturer’s or dealer’s instructions regarding
the use and maintenance of the equipment and (b) installation or use of
the equipment not in conformity with applicable technical and safety
standards in the country where the equipment is used;
Accidents, force majeure or any other external cause outside the
equipment, especially the consequences of theft, acts of vandalism,
lightning, fire, humidity, ingress of liquid, atmospheric influences, RF
interference produced by other equipment, fluctuations in mains voltage
and/or voltages on telephone lines, etc.;
• Combination or integration of the equipment in hardware not supplied by
the manufacturer or dealer unless the latter gave written, explicit consent
for such;
• Defects and deterioration caused by normal wear;
• Modifications or alterations made to the equipment even if they are
mandatory due to changes in regulations and/or modification of network
• Connection faults resulting from unsatisfactory radio propagation or
caused by the absence of radio relay coverage.
Apart from the statutory warranty, the above provisions constitute the only claims
which can be made against the manufacturer and dealer on the grounds of
equipment defects, this warranty excluding any other explicit or implied warranty
associated with sale of the equipment.
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