Site Wiring Fault Indicator (Red)
The Site Wiring Fault Indicator on the rear panel, as shown below,
illuminates red when the UPS detects a line-neutral reversal or a poor
neutral-ground. (Refer to Troubleshooting Chart if this indicator is
Transfer Voltage Selectors (DIP Switches)
The two-position DIP switch control on the rear panel, as shown
above, allows the operator to select the utility transfer voltage at
which the UPS will switch to battery power. The factory default set-
tings are 100VAC - 135VAC. DIP switch positions for each voltage set-
ting are as follows:
DIP switch settings
Left Right Nominal Utility Setting
↑ Up ↑ Up 120VAC 100 - 135VAC (default)
↑ Up ↓ Down 110VAC 100 - 145VAC
↓ Down ↑ Up 127VAC 90 - 135VAC
↓ Down ↓ Down 120VAC 90 - 145VAC
Never change the voltage settings while the UPS is ON and
powering connected loads. Change DIP switches only when
the UPS is OFF.
To ensure protection of the connected equipment, the DIP
switch settings should match the nominal utility input
voltage. DIP switch settings not matching the nominal
utility could potentially damage connected equipment.
Rear of UPS
DIP Switches
Site Wiring Fault
Indicator (Red)