Access the OAT100R Web GUI
Note: The OAT100R must be connected to an IP network for GUI access. See “Network and
Communication Setup” on page 22 for further information.
If necessary, consult the system administrator to obtain the current “admin” user password
before proceeding. The default admin user password is “Password4Partners” (case-sensitive).
1. Launch a web browser, and type http://ipaddress in the browser’s address bar, where
ipaddress is the network IP address of the OAT100R. Then, press Enter.
2. The system will display a login authentication pop-up window. In the User Name eld, type
admin; in the Password eld, type the admin user password. Then, click OK.
The OAT100R web GUI opens with the System Status on display (see “OAT100R System
Status” on the next page for further information). The options panel at the left of the screen
enables you to view and congure system settings. The following sections provide detailed
information on the configuration settings and commands.
Note: It is possible, if desired, to change the login password via the command line interface
Setup Menu “pwd” command as described on page 62.
When you have completed your activities in the OAT100R web GUI, it is recommended
that you close your browser to prevent unauthorized access to the system.
Conguration Options via GUI