Attendance messages
Understanding MFP messages
Scan Document Too Long The scan job exceeds the maximum
number of pages.
Note: The scanner finishes scanning current
pages in the ADF, but data is lost when the job
cancels itself after reaching the maximum
number of pages.
Touch Continue to clear the message.
Touch Cancel Job to clear the message if the
job is restartable.
Touch Restart job if the job is restartable. The
message clears, and a new scan job containing
the same parameters as the previous job starts.
Scanner ADF Cover Open The scanner automatic document
feed cover is open.
The message clears when the cover is closed.
Scanner Jam Access Cover
The scanner jam access cover is
Close the cover to clear the message.
Scanner registration
successfully completed
Scanner registration is successful. Touch Continue to clear the message.
Some held jobs were lost Occurs when the MFP tries to restore
all jobs on a hard disk regardless of
the number of held jobs not restored.
The message appears once.
Touch Continue to clear the message.
Some held jobs are not restored. They stay on
the hard disk and are inaccessible.
1565 Emul error, load
emulation option
The download emulator contained in
the firmware card does not function
with the MFP firmware.
Note: The MFP automatically clears
the message in 30 seconds and then
disables the download emulator on
the firmware card.
For help downloading the correct download
emulator version, contact the place where you
bought your printer.
30.yy Invalid refill,
change cartridge
The MFP detects a refilled Lexmark
Cartridge Return Program print
Install a new print cartridge to clear the
31 Replace defective
print cartridge
The MFP detects a defective print
cartridge within 10–20 seconds after
the top cover is closed.
Remove the defective print cartridge and install
a nondefective print cartridge for printing to
During the 10–20 second interval before the
defective print cartridge is detected, the MFP
may continue to print pages; however, the
pages are not reprinted once the new print
cartridge is installed.
32.yy Replace
unsupported print
The MFP detects an unsupported
print cartridge within 10–20 seconds
after the top cover is closed.
Remove the unsupported print cartridge and
install a supported print cartridge for printing to
During the 10–20 second interval before the
unsupported print cartridge is detected, the
MFP may continue to print pages; however, the
pages are not reprinted once the new print
cartridge is installed.
Message Meaning Action