Click To
Scan‑to‑Network Folder
Add or manage a folder destination when the Scan to Network application is
• This feature may not appear in the Embedded Web Server, depending
on your printer model.
• To use this feature, first make sure you are using the Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) connection.
Manage Shortcuts Add or manage shortcut settings for a printer task.
Note: This feature may not appear in the Embedded Web Server, depending
on your printer model.
Manage Profiles View the IP address of a profile, or delete it.
Note: This feature may not appear in the Embedded Web Server, depending
on your printer model.
Address Book Setup Add or manage address book contacts when sending e‑mails.
View any messages from the printer requesting intervention from the user.
Import/Export Import or export a configuration file.
Additional Solutions Install, customize, or uninstall a solution.
Device Management Allow the Embedded Web Server to collect data from the printer.
3 Click Submit to save, or click Reset Form to discard the new settings.
Using the Embedded Web Server 47