
Announcing Lexmark X854e MFP 11
Lexmark Document Portal is a customizable print-on-
ll forms such as loan
ire the user to enter
n keyboard
Pa rs and Pricing
Des Part Number UPC MSRP*
The scan-to network capability of the Lexmark X854e
MFP allows documents to be scanned over the network
into FileNet module. By adding Lexmark’s Document
Distributor Server software, an end user can be
prompted to enter alphanumeric index information on the
MFP’s front panel to be included with the scanned
demand software application that automates pull printing
and distribution of documents from a central server.
Lexmark Document Portal forms access can be secur
by requiring user authentication.
Two types of forms are supported.
Static – brochures and auto-fi
Auto-fill Forms – those that requ
input using the MFP touch scree
rt Numbe
Lexmark X850e, X852e, X854e Toner Cartridge X850H21G 7-34646-25563-9 $ 163.00
Lexmark X850e, X852e, X854e Photoconductor Kit X850H22G 7-34646-25564-6 $ 198.00
Lexmark Staple Cartridges (3 cartridges of 5,000) 7-346 13-1 $ 112.00 25A0013 46-553
Lexmark X850e, X852e, X854e 2,000-Sheet High-Capacity Feeder 15R0145 7-34646-25562-2
Lexmark X850e, X852e, X854e 2,000-Sheet Dual Input 15R0120 7-34646-25561-5
Lexmark X850e, X852e, X854e 2- or 3-Hole Finisher 15R0144 7-34646-25558-5
Lexmark X850e, X852e, X854e 2- or 4-Hole Finisher 15R0143 7-34646-25559-2 $1,750.00
Lexmark 128MB DDR DIMM 13N1523 7-34646-06838-3 $1,099.00
Lexmark 256MB DDR DIMM 13N1524 7-34646-06782-9 $1,579.00
Lexmark 512MB DDR DIMM 13N1526 7-34646-06783-6 $1,899.00
Flash Memory
Lexmark 32MB Flash Card 1021208 7-34646-05071-5 $ 279.00
Lexmark 64MB Flash Card 1021209 7-34646-05072-2 $ 529.00
Font Cards
Lexmark Korean Font Card 1021240 7-34646-39894-7 $ 255.00
Lexmark Simplified Chinese Font Card 1021241 7-34646-39895-4 $ 255.00
Lexmark Traditional Chinese Font Card 1021242 7-34646-39896-1 $ 255.00
Lexmark Japanese Font Card 1021243 7-34646-39897-8 $ 255.00
Network Connections
Wireless Networking Option
Lexmark 802.11g Wireless Print Adapter 1010042 7-34646-02964-3
$ 279.00
Internal Networking Option
Lexmark MarkNet N8000 Fast Ethernet Print Server 14S0230 7-34646-39866-4 $ 508.00
Lexmark MarkNet N8020 Gigabit Ethernet Print Server $ 549.00 14S0200 7-34646-39870-1
Lexmark MarkNet N8030 Fiber Ethernet Print Server 14S0220 7-34646-39869-5 $ 555.00
Wireless Print Server
Lexmark MarkNet N8050 802.11g Wireless Print Server 14S0165 7-34646-39867-1 $ 499.00
Cables and Attachments
Bidirectional Parallel Cable (10 ft.) - RoHS 1021231 7-34646-06512-2
$ 21.00
Serial Cable (50 ft.) 1038693 7-34646-21649-4
$ 60.00
2-Meter USB Cable -- RoHS 1021294 7-34646-06513-9
$ 21.00
Lexmark RS-232C Serial Interface Card 1021092 7-34646-05068-5
$ 21.00
* Manufacturer’s Suggested Resale Price (MSRP): This price is Lexmark’s Manufac sted bject thout
for information purposes only. Lexmark’s and our remarketers ry
turer’s Sugge Resale Price and is su to change wi
notice. This price is ’ prices may va .
LEX05-250 Lexmark Confidential Until Announce