Finding information about the MFP
Readme file
Web site
Record the following information (located on the store receipt and the back of the MFP), and have it
ready when you contact us so that we may serve you faster:
Machine Type number:
Serial number:
Date purchased:
Store where purchased:
Description Where to find
This file contains late-breaking information about
the MFP and software that does not appear in
other documentation, as well as information
specific to your operating system.
To access the Readme file:
1 Click Start Æ Programs or All Programs Æ
Lexmark Æ Lexmark X34x Series.
2 Select Readme.
Description Where to find
Our Web site contains a variety of information.
Note: All paths for the Web site are subject to
Visit our Web site at www.lexmark.com.
1 Go to the Web site.
2 Select a country or region from the drop-down list in
the upper-left corner of the page.
3 Select the link for the information you need.