Solving option problems
Solving option problems
Symptom Cause Solution
The option does not
operate correctly after it is
installed, or it stops
The option is not installed correctly. Remove the option, and then reinstall it.
Cables connecting the option to the
printer are not attached correctly.
Check the cable connections.
See the Setup sheet for instructions.
The printer driver does not
recognize that the option is
Look at the driver settings and verify that all the printer
configuration settings are correct. If an option does not
appear in the driver settings, it is not installed properly.
See Installing and removing options for installation
procedures, and reinstall the option.
Optional 500-sheet drawer: Make sure the connection between the drawer and the printer
is made securely. See Installing the 500-sheet drawer for installation instructions.
Optional memory or flash memory card: Make sure the connection between the card and
the system board is made securely. See Installing an optional memory card or Installing
an optional flash memory or firmware card for installation instructions. See Memory
requirements for more information on memory cards.
Optional INA card: Make sure the connection between the card and the system board is
made securely. See Installing an optional flash memory or firmware card for installation