Use To
Disk Full Action
E‑mail & Delete Current Log
E‑mail & Delete Oldest Log
Post & Delete Current Log
Post & Delete Oldest Log
Delete Current Log
Delete Oldest Log
Delete All Logs
Delete All But Current
Determine and set how the printer responds when disk usage reaches the maximum
limit (100MB).
Note: None is the factory default setting.
URL to Post Logs Determine and set where the printer posts job accounting logs.
E‑mail Address to Send Logs Specify the e‑mail address to which the printer sends job accounting logs.
Log File Prefix Specify the prefix you want for the log file name.
Note: The current host name defined in the TCP/IP menu is used as the default log
file prefix.
Utilities menu
Use To
Remove Held Jobs
Not Restored
Delete confidential and held jobs from the printer hard disk.
• Selecting a setting affects only print jobs that are resident in the printer.
Bookmarks, print jobs on flash drives, and other types of held jobs are not
• Not Restored removes all Print and Hold jobs that are not restored from the
printer hard disk or memory.
Format Flash
Format the flash memory.
Warning—Potential Damage: Do not turn off the printer while the flash memory is
being formatted.
• Yes deletes all data stored in flash memory.
• No cancels the format request.
• Flash memory refers to the memory added by installing a flash memory card in
the printer.
• The flash memory option card must not be read/write‑ or write‑protected.
• This menu item appears only when a non‑defective flash memory card is
Understanding the printer menus 229