550 Feeder Error 148
550-sheet drawer
installing 32
550-sheet tray
loading 44
<xxx> Error 148
Address Book Editor 31
creating a computer address 74
creating a fax group 89
creating a fax number entry 88
creating an e-mail address 79
creating an FTP address 77
Address Book menu 131
adjusting copy quality 65
Admin Menu
Address Book menu 131
Admin Reports menu 146
Fax Settings menu 136
Maintenance menu 144
Network Settings menu 134
Parallel Settings menu 136
Print Language menu 132
Scan to Email menu 146
Secure Settings menu 145
System Settings menu 140
USB Settings menu 136
Admin Reports menu 146
attaching cables 40
auto exposure
adjusting 66
auto exposure for scanned images
adjusting 81
Auto reset
setting 171
Billing Meters menu 131
Black - CRUM Error 148
box contents 12
broadcast fax
sending 87
buttons, printer control panel 16
cables, attaching
Ethernet 40
USB 40
calling Customer Support 192
copy job 69
fax job 91
scan job 73
canceling a job
from Mac OS X 61
from the printer control panel 60
from Windows desktop 61
from Windows taskbar 61
card stock
guidelines 53
checking an unresponsive
printer 173
exterior of the printer 160
scanner glass 161
collating copies 63
color mode
setting 84
color saturation
adjusting 66
configuration page, printing 58
using RJ11 adapter 19
connecting the printer to
answering machine 25
computer modem 26
telephone 23
telephone wall jack 23
contacting Customer Support 192
control panel, printer 16
locking the administrator
menus 170
unlocking the administrator
menus 170
Controller Error 148
Copy Defaults menu 122
copy margins
setting 69
copy quality
adjusting 65
copy troubleshooting
copier does not respond 175
partial document or photo
copies 177
poor copy quality 175
poor scanned image quality 178
scanner unit does not close 175
adjusting auto exposure 66
adjusting color saturation 66
adjusting sharpness 65
adjusting sharpness of a scanned
image 82
canceling a copy job 69
centering an image on a page 67
collating copies 63
enlarging a copy 64
making a copy 62
making a copy lighter or
darker 65
multiple pages on one sheet 67
printing a poster 68
reducing a copy 64
repeating images on a sheet 68
selecting a paper tray for
copies 63
selecting the type of document
being copied 64
setting the copy margins 69
creating e-mail alerts 172
CRUM Error 149
Cyan - CRUM Error 148
Default Settings
Copy Defaults menu 122
Fax Defaults menu 127
Scan Defaults 125
demo page, printing 59
descreening 73
dialing mode
Pulse 95
Touch Tone 95
Disabled Func 149
display troubleshooting
display is blank 173
display, printer control panel 16
document type
selecting for a copy 64
selecting for a scan 84