
loading 44
printing 51
error 1104 110
error messages
alignment problem 110
carrier jam 110
cartridge error 110
cartridge missing 110
change paper or photo size setting 110
change paper size setting 110
color ink low 110
computer not connected 110
could not detect a proof sheet 110
error 1104 110
failed to connect 110
fax error 110
fax mode unsupported 110
insert camera/memory card 110
invalid photo/paper size selection 110
left cartridge error 110
load paper 110
memory full 110
no images have been selected 110
no photo files found 110
no photo/paper size selection has been
made 110
no proof sheet information 110
only one device or media card
allowed 110
paper jam 110
paper skewed 110
phone line busy 110
phone line error 110
PictBridge communications error 110
please remove camera to use memory
card 110
problem reading memory card 110
remote fax error 110
right cartridge error 110
some photos removed from card by
host 110
EXT port 23
e-mailing documents or photos 66
factory default settings, resetting to 117
failed to connect error message 110
Fast Pics 42
menu 28
activity reports 74
customizing settings 78
forwarding 73
receiving automatically 72
receiving manually 73
Fax button 34
fax error 110
fax footer, setting up 80
fax header, setting up 79
fax mode unsupported error
message 110
fax settings
blocking unwanted changes 81
Fax Setup Utility
customizing settings 78
Dialing and Sending tab 79
Fax Printing / Reports tab 79
Ring and Answering tab 79
Speed Dial tab 79
using 42, 78
fax troubleshooting
Caller ID not displayed 106
can receive but not send fax 104
can send but not receive fax 103
cannot send or receive fax 102
printer receives blank fax 105
received fax has poor print quality 105
adding fax groups to Speed Dial 74
adding numbers to Speed Dial 74
blocking unwanted faxes 82
choosing a fax connection 13
customizing settings 28
entering a fax number 70
sending a broadcast fax at a scheduled
time 71
sending a broadcast fax
immediately 70
sending while behind a PBX 77
setting number of rings before automatic
answering 77
setting up dialing prefix 76
using a calling card number 70
using the computer 71
using the control panel 70
while listening to call 72
FCC notices 119, 120
information 9
MAC address 85
publications 9
Web site 9
flash drive
inserting 54
printing photos using the proof
sheet 56
forwarding a fax 73
glossy paper, loading 43
graphics, editing 40
greeting cards
loading 45
printing 51
Group Dial
setting up 74
using 70
using the Phone Book 75
heavyweight matte paper, loading 43
How To tab 38
I Want To menu 39
Imaging Studio buttons
Browse photos 34
Copy 34
Fax 34
Maintain/Troubleshoot 35
Print album page 34
Print photos 34
Scan 34
Scan & edit text (OCR) 34
Share photos 34
Tips 34
Use memory card photos 34
using 33
Web site 34
Imaging Studio, using 33
improving print quality 89
incorrect language appears on
display 93
index cards
loading 45
printing 51
information, finding 9
ink levels, checking 37
ink, ordering 37
insert camera/memory card error 110
flash drives 54
memory cards 53
PictBridge-enabled digital camera 59
network printer 85
print cartridges 87
printer software 117
software and sharing printer on
network 84
invalid photo/paper size selection 110
IP address, assigning 85
iron-on transfers, loading 45
jams and misfeeds troubleshooting
banner paper jams 109
paper jam in ADF 108
paper jam in paper support 108
paper jam in printer 108
paper or specialty media misfeeds 108
printer does not feed paper, envelopes,
or specialty media 109
junk faxes, blocking 82
labels, loading 44
landscape orientation, selecting 39
changing 93
last page first 51
layout, selecting 39
left cartridge error 110
LINE port 23
load paper error 110
banner paper 46
custom-size paper 45
documents into the Automatic Document
Feeder 46
documents on the scanner glass 48
envelopes 44
glossy paper 43