No Caller ID 150
Phone Line Busy 150
Phone Line Error 150
Phone Line is connected to the
incorrect jack on the back of the
machine 149
Phone Line Not Connected 150
Remote Fax Error 149
Unrecoverable Fax Error 149
Unsupported Compression 149
Unsupported Resolution 149
fax footer
setting 74
fax forwarding 86
fax header
setting 74
fax header and footer
setting 73
Fax Memory Full 127
fax number 81
fax quality
setting 84
fax resolution
setting 84
fax sending speed
setting 74
fax settings
configuring 74, 75
for answering machine 84
for voice mail 84
fax setup
country‑ or region‑specific 69
digital telephone service 68
DSL connection 66
standard telephone line
connection 63
VoIP 67
Fax Setup Wizard 75
fax troubleshooting
cannot receive faxes 147
cannot run fax software 148
cannot send faxes 146
error messages, printer control
panel 149
fax troubleshooting checklist 146
Address Book 76, 77
blocking 86
calling card, using 85
dial prefix 82
distinctive ring 82
duplex 85
fax history 85
pick up on 82
receiving automatically 80
receiving manually 80
rings 82
scheduling 84
sending a broadcast fax
immediately 78
sending using the control
panel 78
setup 81
tips, receiving 79
tips, sending 78
two‑sided 85
using the computer 79
using the control panel 78
faxing tips
receiving faxes automatically 80
FCC notices 163, 167, 171
information 8
MAC address 114
print queue 43
publications 8
Web site 8
firewall on computer 152
flash drive
inserting 39
scanning to 55
forwarding faxes 86
special wireless setup
instructions 92
FreeBox 92
frequently asked questions
USB cable 108
greeting cards 30
Group Dial
setting up 76, 77
heavyweight matte paper 30
ID cards
copying 49
improving scan quality 59
incorrect language appears on
display 121
index cards 30
finding 8
information needed for setting up
printer on wireless network 88
infrastructure network 109
conserving 7
ink cartridge access area 12
Ink Cartridge Error 127
Ink Cartridge Missing 127
ink cartridges
installing 14
ordering 13
removing 14
replacing 14
using genuine Lexmark 14
ink levels
checking 117
Ink Low 128
inserting a flash drive 39
cable 108
network printer 115
installing optional software 25
installing printer
on wireless network
(Macintosh) 90
on wireless network
(Windows) 90
installing printer software 27
installing wireless printer
additional computers 91
wireless network 111
IP address 114, 115
configuring 93
IP address of computer
finding 115
IP address of printer
finding 115
IP address, assigning 115
iron‑on transfers 31
jam clearance cover 12
jams and misfeeds troubleshooting
paper jam in the ADF 138
paper jam in the duplex unit 137
paper jam in the exit tray 135
Index 178