Create permanent e-mail destinations
5 Enter a subject (descriptive name) and a generic message. This information appears on all
e-mail scanned to permanent e-mail destinations.
6 To store scanned documents on a Web site and send only a Web link in the e-mail, complete
the Web link section.
7 After entering your choices, click Submit.
Create permanent e-mail destinations
When creating an e-mail destination, you must decide what kind of e-mail the recipient will receive.
You can send a document scanned to e-mail as an:
• Attachment -- a copy of the scan output file is sent attached to the e-mail message
• Web link -- scan output file is sent to a Web site and only a Web link is sent in the e-mail
Create a separate recipient entry for each e-mail type and give them unique names easily identified
in the e-mail destinations list.
1 Type the IP address of the MFP in the URL field of your browser, and then press Enter.
2 Click Configuration.
3 Click Manage Destinations.
4 Click E-mail Destinations Setup.
5 Enter a unique name for the e-mail recipient and specify the e-mail address.
Note: You can create an e-mail distribution list by creating a destination containing
multiple e-mail recipients. Place a comma after each e-mail address you enter.
Assign a unique name to the destination that identifies it as an e-mail distribution
6 Select which type of Scan to e-mail you want to send. Attachment is the most common
choice, but you can avoid attaching large scan output files to e-mail if you use a Web link.
Here is an example of one e-mail recipient with two unique names.
7 Select scan type and resolution.
8 If you want, enter a shortcut number (1—245) to identify the recipient. A shortcut number lets
you rapidly find your e-mail recipient by pressing # on the numeric keypad, and entering the
Name Address Type Shortcut
Smith, Jane smith@mailgw.anywhere.com Attachment 5
Smith, Jane2 smith@mailgw.anywhere.com Web link 6