
icomfort Wi-Fit 7−Day Programmable Communicating Thermostat
Page 47
Critical alerts are displayed on Home (user) screen, in the Homeowner alert button, and in the Installer
alert button. Minor and Moderate alerts are found only in the Installer alert button.
Table 5. Alert Codes and Troubleshooting
Steps to clearAlert TextPriority
113 Critical (Furnace) The line voltage is too high. Line voltage high (voltage higher than nameplate rating). Provide power voltage within proper range.
System resumes normal operation 5 seconds after fault recovered.
114 Critical (Furnace / Air Handler) There is a frequency/
distortion problem with the power to the (furnace
or air−handler).
This alarm/code may indicate transformer overloading. Check the voltage and line power frequency.
Check the generator operating frequency, if the system is running on back−up power. Correct voltage
and frequency problems. System resumes normal operation 5 seconds after fault recovered.
115 Critical (Furnace / Air Handler) The 24VAC to the (fur-
nace or air−handler control board) is lower than
the required range of 18 to 30VAC.
24−Volt Power Low (Range is 18 to 30 volts). Check and correct voltage. Check for additional power−
robbing equipment connected to system. This alarm/code may require the installation of an addition-
al or larger VA transformer.
117 Minor (Furnace) The reporting unit has poor earth
Provide proper grounding for the unit. Check for proper earth ground to the system. The alarm/code
will clear 30 seconds after it is corrected.
120 Moderate (Stat / Furnace / Air Handler / Outdoor Unit)
There is a delay in the (stat, furnace, air−handler
or outdoor unit) responding to the system.
Typically, this alarm/code does not cause any issues and will clear on its own. The alarm/code is
usually caused by a delay in the outdoor unit responding to the thermostat. Check all wiring connec-
tions. Cleared after unresponsive device responds to any inquiry.
124 Critical (Stat / Furnace / Air Handler / Outdoor Unit) The
thermostat has lost communication with the (fur-
nace, air−handler or outdoor unit) for more than
3 minutes.
Equipment lost communication with the thermostat. Check the wiring connections, ohm wires and
cycle power. The alarm stops all associated HVAC operations and waits for a heartbeat message
from the unit that’s not communicating. The alarm/fault clears after communication is re−established.
125 Critical (Stat / Furnace / Outdoor Unit) There is a hard-
ware problem on either the (stat, furnace control
board, air−handler control board or outdoor unit
control board).
There is a control hardware problem. Replace the control if the problem prevents operation and is
persistent. The alarm/fault is cleared 300 seconds after the fault recovers.
126 Critical (Furnace / Outdoor Unit) There is an internal
communication problem with the (furnace con-
trol board, air−handler control board or outdoor
unit control board).
There is an internal hardware problem on the control. Typically the control will re−set itself. Replace
the control if the problem prevents operation and is persistent. The alarm/fault is cleared 300 sec-
onds after the fault recovers.
130 Moderate (Air Handler) An air−handler configuration jump-
er is missing.
Configuration jumper(s) missing on control (applicable in non−communicating applications only).
Replace the jumper or put wire between terminals on control. Cleared after jumper is connected.
131 Critical (Stat / Furnace / Air Handler / Outdoor Unit) The
(stat, furnace, air−handler or outdoor unit) con-
trol parameters are corrupted.
Reconfigure the system. Replace the control if heating or cooling is not available.
132 Critical (Air Handler) The air handler control software is
Recycle power. If failure re−occurs, replace the control. System reset is required to recover.
table continued on next page