
506920−01 09/12
Page 56
Bold text indicates a button, or text display on the thermostat.
Table 6. Troubleshooting Tips
No. Corrective Action / CommentsPossible CauseIssue / Problem
6 High Balance Point and Low Bal-
ance Point are not listed as a menu
item to adjust the setpoint on the ther-
mostat of the heat pump system.
Balance Point Control must be
enabled to display as the High
Balance Point and Low Bal-
ance Point in the menu and pro-
vide the ability for the installer to
adjust the setpoint.
In the installer program select the equipment button, then scroll
down to system device to System and press edit. Scroll down the
menu item choices to Balance Point Control and press edit. Select
enable and press save. High Balance Point and Low Balance
Point are now listed; adjust the balance point settings and press
If Balance Point Control is not shown as a menu item choice, the
system is not connected to Wi−Fi or does not have/recognize an
outdoor sensor or the system is not a heat pump.
7 icomfort thermostat does not show a
choice for Dew Point Control Hu-
midification mode (only Basic and
Precision choices).
Dew Point Control will only be
displayed if the system has an
outdoor sensor.
Add an outdoor sensor to the system and connect to the outdoor
sensor terminals on the indoor unit.
icomfort system is not able to read the outdoor temperature sensor in
the icomfort outdoor unit, check outdoor sensor.
8 The icomfort does not display an alert
code message, but the furnace or unit
control displays a diagnostic code.
The red Critical Alert icon and
homeowner alert button do not
display non−critical alerts.
Go to the installer program alert button to view all alerts and details
about those alerts.
9 The icomfort thermostat does not dis-
play the Model # and or Serial # in-
door or outdoor unit.
The icomfort control was re-
placed with a replacement control
before the icomfort system was
initially setup or configured.
Replacement icomfort controls do not have the Model # or Serial #
loaded in the control.
The Model # and Serial # cannot be added to the control.
System will still operate normally.
10 A non−communicating 2−stage out-
door unit was added to the system
but the unit only runs in 2nd stage.
The W915 2 Stage Compr" clip-
pable option link on the furnace
or air handler control must be cut
when used with a non−communi-
cating 2−stage outdoor unit.
Cut the W915 2 Stage Compr" option link on the furnace or air handler
11 Transfer the Model #, Serial # and
system settings to a replacement
The icomfort system is capable
of copying settings from the pre-
vious configuration to the new
compatible device (control)
Reconfigure the system using the installer program and select the
setup button. The system will go through the system discovery pro-
cess. The thermostat will display missing devices (old control) and
found compatible devices (new control). Press the next button to
accept the new device and copy the settings. Thermostat will display
Settings were copied after successfully copying the information to the
new control. See section title Reconfiguring a system" in this manual.
table continued on next page