Leica VT1000 A
4. Setup the Instrument
Severe damage may occur if the in-
strument is connected to a power sup-
ply voltage other than that to which it
was originally set.
The power supply voltage for the in-
strument is factory preset and CAN-
NOT be altered by the user.
The Leica VT1000 A MUST be connect-
ed to a grounded power socket.
The instrument is supplied with a
power cable that is suitable for the
local power supply (socket). Only this
cable may be used to operate the in-
Do not use an extension cable!
4.4.2 Connecting to the power supply
All electrical connections are on the left rear
side of the instrument.
Connecting to power supply
• MakesurethattheVibratomeisswitched
The main switch (15) on the rear side must
be in the "0"= OFF position.
• Plugthepowercableprovidedintothein-
put socket (16) of the power supply on the
instrument, then into a socket.
Fig. 7