Press PROGRAMS at any time to display the program selection screen. Scroll through the program
previews with center “+/-” keys and select one of the five User Programs to edit by pressing NEXT.
The display will now ask you to enter the program time.
Using the keypad, select a Program Time from 10-99 min. This will scale the
20 segments of the program equally throughout your selected time.
Select your time and press ENTER, NEXT, or wait three seconds.
The screen will read, “PRESS START TO BEGIN OR NEXT TO EDIT”,
PRESS NEXT to enter Edit Mode.
When you first enter Edit Mode, you are in control of Segment 1 (noted by
triangle cursor). Use the Effort “+/-” keys and to manually set the effort
level in each segment.
Use the center “+” key to move right and the center “-” to move left.
Once you have completed editing your User
Program, you can start your User Program
by simply pressing START at any time.
Furthermore, if you attempt to advance the
cursor past the 20th segment, you will be
prompted with “PRESS START TO BEGIN
OR NEXT TO EDIT” screen. You can also
exit Edit Mode by pressing MANUAL,
HRC,or PROGRAMS at any time. Any
changes you make during edit mode are
permanently saved in that User Program
even if you unplug the elliptical.
Edit Mode allows you to edit the effort level for each of the 20 program segments without actually exercising on the
elliptical. The Edit Mode is an excellent way to modify a program that you have created while exercising in a User Program.
Follow these steps to edit the User Program using Edit Mode:
User Program Edit Mode
Specific Goal Programs
These specialty programs have been designed to monitor and achieve a specific goal you may have every time you get on
your Cardio Trainer. Whether you want to go for a 3-mile run, burn 1,000 calories, or simply exercise for 15 minutes, the
Goal Progress screen will accurately assess your progress with a variety of stats. During these programs you will retain full
manual control.
Press PROGRAMS at any time to display the programs selection screen. Scroll through the program previews with center
“+/-” keys and select the Goal Program that best suits your desired workout by pressing NEXT. The display will now ask you
to enter the program parameter.
The display will prompt you to set a Program Time Goal using the
keypad or “+/-” center keys. You can enter a time between 10-99 minutes.
Select your time and press ENTER, NEXT, or wait three seconds.
The display will prompt you to set a Program Distance Goal using the keypad
or “+/-” center keys. You can enter a distance between 0.1-99.9 miles (km in
metric). Select your distance and press ENTER, NEXT, or wait three seconds.
The display will prompt you to set a Program Calorie Goal using the keypad
or “+/-” center keys. You can enter a calorie goal between 10-9,999 calories.
Select your calories and press ENTER, NEXT, or wait three seconds.
Press the button.
As soon as you begin, the Goal Progress screen becomes available. This
screen shows your Specific Goal, time remaining until completion, and
other statistics. If you are in the Distance or Calorie Goal programs, your
goal statistic will be counting down (noted by negative sign).
Push NEXT at any time to view any of the other display screens during your program.
Using Specific Goal Programs
If you wanted to manually create a 30 minute User Program prior to your
workout starting with an effort level of 10% and then progressing to an
effort level of 15%, you would…
1. Press the button.
2. Press center “+” key 5 times and then NEXT.
3. When asked to enter Program Time, press “3”, “0”, ENTER
on the keypad.
4. Press to enter EDIT MODE.
5. Press the effort “+/-” keys to set the effort level to 10%.
6. To edit the 1st Segment elevation using the keypad, press QUICK
7. Press center “+” key to advance to the Segment 2.
8. Press Speed “+/-” keys to set the effort level to 15%.
9. Press to start the program.
If you wanted to burn 650 calories in the Calorie Goal program you would…
1. Press the button.
2. Press center “-” key 2 times and then NEXT.
3. When asked to enter CALORIE GOAL, press “6”, “5”,“0”, ENTER on
the keypad.
4. Press to begin.