
Lada Niva Driver s Manual Jason Chapman
e 6
This section contains description of parts of the Niva 1600 - (Vaz 2121). Explanations are
given of what things are, not necessarily how they work. See the Instruments and controls
section for information on how to operate them - Jason. jason_chapman@hotmail.com
Identification number of the car is indented
on a non-detachable plate secured on the
instrument panel (Fig. 1) at the left hand side.
The plate is installed to special order.
Model and number of the engine are
indented on a boss of the cylinder block located
above the oil filter.
Model and number of the body are indented
on the upper reinforcement member of the
dashboard. The summary nameplate and the
plate with international approval signs are
secured on the dashboard.
The summary nameplate contains the following
data arranged from. top to bottom:
Abbreviated name of the manufacturing plant;
The first three letters of the next line are the coded designations of a geographic zone,
country and manufacturing plant (X-Europe, T-USSR, A-Volga Automobile Plant);
The following six digits designate the car model;
The next Latin letter is the coded designation of a year of car manufacture;
The last seven digits stand for a chassis number (on a car it corresponds to the body
Officially approved gross mass of the car;
Officially approved gross mass of the car and trailer equipped with brakes;
Officially approved load on the front axle;
Officially approved load on the rear axle; engine model and Serial No. of the car.
The plate with international approval signs contains the following data:
Car model;
Sign E states that the car has been tested and it meets the Safety Code Standards worked out
by the United Nations European Economic Commission (UNEEC);
The digit adjacent to the sign E is a coded designation of the country in which the car has
been tested for conformity to the Safety Code Standards (2 France);
The left hand column of the plate contains the numbers of the UNEEC Safety Codes while
the numbers of the official approval are given in the right hand column.