Avis de conformité aux normes du ministere des Communications du
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme a la norme NMB-003
du Canada.
ISO 7779
Maschinenlärminformations-Verordnung 3. GPSGV: Der höchste
Schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 dB (A) oder weniger gemäß EN ISO 7779.
Kyocera Mita will not be liable to customers or any other person or entity
for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly
by equipment sold or furnished by us, including but not limited to, any in
terruption of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits, or consequen-
tial damages resulting from the use or operation of the equipment or
Energy Star
As an ENERGY STAR Partner, we have determined that this product meets
the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
The basic objective of the ENERGY STAR Program is to reduce environmental
pollution by encouraging the manufacture and sale of equipment that uses
energy more efficiently.
This printer is equipped with a sleep timer function that conforms with the
standards of the E
NERGY STAR Program. This function makes it possible to
reduce the amount of electrical power consumed by the printer. For
maximum power savings, turn off the printer’s power supply when not
using the printer for extended periods of time.
For details on the sleep timer function and printer power consumption,
refer to this manual.
Initial settings of the sleep timer function and power saved using the sleep
timer function:
( ): ENERGY STAR program guideline
FS-C5015N FS-C5025N FS-C5030N
Initial Auto Sleep
5 minutes (60 minutes) 5 minutes (60 minutes) 15 minutes (60 minutes)
Power consumption in
Auto Sleep
16W (45W) [for USA and
16W (45W) [for Europe,
Asia, and other countries]
15W (45W) [for USA and
19W (45W) [for Europe,
Asia, and other countries]
18W (70W) [for USA and
21W (70W) [for Europe,
Asia, and other countries]