
76 Browse Ringers
Shuffle adds the image to the
wallpaper shuffle.
Details displays details of the file.
Erase All deletes all unlocked files.
Browse Ringers
To browse the ringers on your phone:
1. Select Menu > Media Gallery > Sounds >
Ringers. You can scroll through the file list.
2. Select Assign to assign the ringer or select
Options and one of the following:
Send creates a message with the
file attached or sends file to a
uetooth device.
Erase deletes the file.
Send to Online uploads a file to an
online server.
Lock / Unlock prevents accidental
erasing of the file.
Rename renames the file.
Shuffle adds the image to the
wallpaper shuffle.
Details displays details of the file.
Erase All deletes all unlocked files.
Edit Ringer Shuffle
To edit the ringer shuffle of your phone, do
the following:
1. Select Menu > Media Gallery > Sounds >
Ringer Shuffle.
2. Select Edit to add or remove sounds from
your ringer list.
To enable this feature, see “Enable Ringer
uffle” on page 51.
Browse Voice Memos
To browse the voice memos on your phone:
1. Select Menu > Media Gallery > Sounds >
Voice Memos
. You can scroll through
the file list.
2. Select Play to play the voice memo or select
Options and one of the following:
Send creates a message with the
file attached or sends file to a
uetooth device.
Record New records a new voice memo.
Erase deletes the file.
Assign assigns the file.
Send to Online uploads a file to an
online server.
Lock / Unlock prevents accidental
erasing of the file.
Rename renames the file.
Shuffle adds the file to the ringer shuffle.
Details displays details of the file.
Erase All deletes all unlocked files.