
The Autoreflex-T3 is the world's first professional
Through-The-Lens metering 35mm Single-Lens Reflex cam-
era to have fully automatic AEC exposrue control. The
AEC meter system establishes contact to all KONICA
Hexanon AR lenses by means of a meter-actuated coupling
lever. When the shutter release is depressed, the spring
loaded aperture in the lens is tripped to close to the limit
determined by this coupling lever. This limit is the precise
aperture required for a perfect exposure at that instant
when you press the button.
With a KONICA Hexanon AR lens installed in your
Autoreflex-T3 there is no need to waste time before
shooting to match the needle to a mark. You only need to
focus and compose, then press the shutter release -
remaining assured all the time that correct exposure is being
taken care of. Full concentration can thus be made on the
spontaneous or esthetic needs of your photography. In
actuality, the KONICA Autoreflex-T3 offers not one but
three optional methods of arriving at the correct of desired
AEC Metering: With a KONICA Hexanon AR (Automatic
Exposure) lens, the needle in the viewfinder serves only to
let you know at which f/stop the fully automatic metering
system will make the picture for you. Shutter and
diaphragm are cross-coupled. Thus if you choose a high
shutter speed to stop action, the diaphragm will be set for a
wider opening automatically. On the other hand, should
you need a smaller stop for greater Depth-of-Field, simply
turn the Shutter Speed Dial (20) to a slower speed. The
needle in the information center of the Viewfinder will
keep you informed. At the same time, you can read the
shutter speed setting below the viewing area (see page 33).
Stopped-Down Exposure Metering: With KONICA and
other lenses having manual or preset diaphragm (not AE), as
well as with extension rings and bellows, the Stopped-Down
method is used. Here the exposure is read at the actual
aperture used to make the picture. The needle in the
Control Center is then simply brought to the Index Mark
opposite the f/1.4 figure. This can also be done by changing
the shutter speed setting. Leterally thousands of lenses can
be used with this system. In addition to KONICA Auto-
Reflex lenses, lenses in mounts for KONICA FP, Pentax/
Praktica, Exakta/Topcon and Nikon/Nikkormat can be
used for the Stopped-Down metering with the Autoreflex-
T3 via their respective KONICA Lens Adapters.
Manual Exposure Settings: Should you have some special
exposure idea in mind, you need only move the diaphragm
ring of your KONICA Hexanon AR lens from the AE
setting to any f/stop desired. Thus, with this and the other
metering systems just discussed, exposure with the KONI-
CA Autoreflex-T3 becomes a versatile tool which gives you
freedom to exploit its automation or to choose other
exposure methods. (See page 39)
NOTE: The KONICA Autoreflex-T3 does not take any
fully automatic AE aperture lens prepared for the
Autoreflex as it is. Make sure that you sue it after it has
been remodeled into a lens for use on the Autoreflex-T3
(with f-numbers). Remodeling work is quite simple.