
Technical Data
Konftel 60W
Power supply: Transformer 12 V DC/230 V AC, 700 mA (Europe)
Transformer 12 V DC/120 V AC, 700 mA (USA)
Input: Analogue line in/out, modular 6/6.
Rec (loudspeakers) -10 dBV (adjustable).
Send (microphone) - 30 dBV (adjustable).
Loudspeaker volume: Adjustable in 15 stages.
Microphone volume: Adjustable in 5 stages for optimal effect.
Room echo suppression: 208 ms.
Line echo suppression: 38 ms.
Environment: Adapted for room <30 m
Reverberation time in room <500 ms.
Background noise <45 dB(A).
Operating temperature: 0 – 40° C.
Dimensions: Diameter 232 mm.
Weight: 700 grams.
Input telephone handset: Modular 4/4.
Input Konftel 60W: Cable, Modular 6/6.
Output telephone: Cable, Modular 4/4. The plug for connecting the
switchbox to the system telephone may only be
connected to SELV voltage (as per SS-EN60950).
Compatibility: Can be connected to virtually all system phones on
the market.
Cabling PC
Y cable: 1 x Modular 6/4, 2 x Tele 3.5 mm. The plug for
connecting the Konftel 60W to a PC may only be
connected to SELV voltage (as per SS-EN60950).