- 10 -
IInnggrreeddiieennttss MMaaxx.. qquuaannttiittyy SSppeeeedd lleevveell AAcccceessssoorryy OOppeerraattiinngg dduurraattiioonn
Sweetened dough
250 g flour
10 g yeast
125 ml milk
1 egg, 25 g butter
15 g sugar
3 Kneading blade 1 minute
Waffle dough
125 g butter
100 g sugar
1 pack vanilla sugar, 4
70 g flour
80 g corn starch
2 teaspoons baking
125 g cream
3 Kneading blade 1 minute
hard fruit
500 gr. 3
Cutter attachment/
grater attachment
45 seconds
hard vegetables
500 gr. 3 Potato-chips disc 45 seconds
Meat / Fish 500 gr. 3 / P Blade 30 seconds
soft vegetables
500 gr. 2 Blade 30 seconds
soft fruit
500 gr. 2 Blade 15 seconds
14. Table for ingredients
The following tables should serve you as examples
for orientation as regards which ingredients should
be processed in what quantities and at what speed
Do not exceed the specified operating period to
avoid overheating of the appliance.
In addition to the 3 levels, a short powerful spurt of
operation is available with the pulse stage āPā. The
switch does not engage in pulse position. Hold the
switch in this position or repeatedly turn it to pulse
IB_KH700_E41968_LB6 17.11.2008 14:33 Uhr Seite 10