Kobo Vox User Guide 47
Buying a book
If youʼd like to shop for new books online, you can browse the Kobo Book Store on your Kobo Vox.
In the Kobo Book Store, you can shop for free books, top rated books, and more.
Before you shop, ensure that:
• Your Kobo Vox is set up with the correct year, date, and time
• Your Kobo Vox is connected to the Internet
• You have a valid credit card
• You have a valid email address
When youʼve found a book you want to add to your library, youʼre ready to go to checkout. You can
use Visa, MasterCard, or gift cards from select partners to pay for your book. If you have a promo
code, you can enter this during checkout to get a discount on your book.
To buy a book:
Find a book in the Kobo store and tap its cover to see more information.
1. Tap the Buy Now button.
2. If you have shopped with Kobo before and saved your billing information youʼll go directly
to the confirmation screen. Go to step 7. If youʼve never shopped with Kobo before, go to
step 3.
3. Enter your Bill Address information (your Street Address, City, Country, State/Province,
Zip/Postal Code, and phone number).
4. Tap Save.
5. Enter your Credit Card information (your Name on Card, credit card type i.e. Visa, Master
Card, Credit Card Number, CV2 Code, expiration month and year).
6. Tap Save.
7. If you have a gift card:
a. Tap Add Gift Card.
b. Tap the drop-down menu to see a list of gift card types.
c. Select the type of gift card you want to use.
d. Enter your gift card number.
e. Enter your gift card PIN.
f. Tap Apply.
8. To use a promo code:
a. Tap Add Promo Code.
b. Enter the promo code.
c. Tap Apply.