Recommended duct length for exterior
mounted blower
Use 9’ duct wflh a ma,mum lenglh 01 55 feel lor dun
system For best pedormance use no more lhan IIYB
900 elbaws
To calculate the lengt of system you need, add Ihe
eqwa:enl lee1 for exh duel p,ece used ,n Ihe system
See Ihe Mxwng ex,ir-pie
9” duct system
h!axlmum lenglh
= 55 Ieel
i tlanS,,,on
= OH
2 900 elbow
= 1otl
i wall cap
- OH
10 IeeL slralghl
Length 01 9’ syslem = 20 fi
Recommended standard fittinqs
Now start...
Interior located blower -
assemble lhs downdralt vent system
Remove downdran blower box and molci
section lrom cartons. Remove any shIppIng maler8als,
lape and prolecl~ve Mm from downdratt blower box and
molar Remove parts package from lnstds blower box
opening Remove capac~lor from motor.
Remove Ihe 4 screws (2 each side) Iha!
secure Ihe vent cover assembly Place
strews and cover assembly in a 5~118 pI&e
Bud when vxlalled I” Ihe cablnel Place Ihe motor 0’1
Ihe blower box so that Ihe duel opsn,ng IS ,n ,t,s
psflion you need lo complele the ductwork
Use all four nuls lo allach Ihe motor 10
Ihe blower bx. Use a IOmm or 318’ ralchat