34 DNX7340BT/DNX7340BTM/DDX7034BT/DDX7034BTM/DDX6034/DDX6034M
Radio Listening
Set Station Name
(Region 4/ 6 models)
Assigns a name to a station.
Tune in to the station to name1
See <Source Control Screen> (page 31).
Start Name set2
Enter the name3
See <Character Entry> (page 41) for information
on how to enter a name.
End Name set4
Traffic Information (Region 2/ 3 models)
When a traffic bulletin starts, any source is
switched to the traffic information and it is
displayed automatically.
Display the Source 1 Control Screen
See <Source Control Screen> (page 31).
Set the Traffic information mode2
When the traffic bulletin starts...
The Traffic Information screen appears
Traffic Information screen
• It is necessary to have Traffic Information function set to
On in order to have the Traffic Information screen appear
• During reception of traffic information the adjusted
volume is automatically remembered, and the next time
it switches to traffic information it's automatically the
remembered volume.