If your water softener fails to work, make the following easy checks. Often, you will find what's wrong your-
self and you won't have to call and wait for service. If you do not find anything wrong, while making the
checks, and your softener still does not worm call the Kenmore Water Line at 1-800-426-9345.
1. Also read ERROR CODE, page 2-1.
2. If an error code is not displayed, press and hold the SELECT button until the display changes. Then, press
the SELECT button again and hold until a flashing code appears. It must show SR25 for UltraSoft 175 or SR26
for UltraSoft 180. If any other number shows, the face plate computer is working on incorrect input and would
probably be the cause of the problem. To set SR25 or SR26, press either the UP_] or DOWNf_--] button. When
the correct model code shows, press SELECT to return a flashing 12:00 AM display. Reset the present time, hard-
ness numbel, etc., pages 1-3 and 1-4.
No soft water No salt (or salt bridged) in the storage tank Add salt, or break the salt bridge (page 3-1). Press
RECHARGE button and hold for 3 seconds to start
a regeneration (see page 2-1).
Transformer unplugged at the wall outlet, or Check for loss of power due to any of these and
)ower cable leads loose from the electronic correct. With the power back on, look at the time
board, fuse blown, circuit breaker popped, or display and read PROGRAM MEMORY, page 2-1.
circuit switched off.
Manual bypass valve(s) in bypass position Look at FIG.14 on page 4-1. Move the stem in a
single valve to service. In a 3-valve bypass, open
the inlet and outlet valves, and be sure to fully close
the bypass valve.
Dirty, plugged or damaged nozzle & venturi Take apart and clean or replace damaged parts (see
page 3-2).
Valve drain hose plugged The drain hose must not have kinks, sharp bends,
or be raised too high above the softener (see page
16 in your installation manual).
Water hardsometimes Hardness number setting too low Press and release the SELECT button until
HARDNESS shows in the display. Read the
hardness number in the display and be sure the
same grains per gallon number is shown on your
water analysis report. See page 1-4 to reset. Press
and release the SELECT button until the present
time shows in the display.
Incorrect SR code selected Press and hold the SELECT button untilthe display
changes. Then, press the SELECT button again
and hold until a flashing code appears. Use the UP
or DOWN buttons to select the correct code for your
Using hot water when softener is regenerating Avoid using hot water during this time because the
water heater refills with hard water (see Automatic
Bypass, page 2-4).
Increase in the grains of hardness in your water Ask your Sears retail store for a new water analysis.
supply Then make a new hardness number setting (page
Brine tank flooded Restricted drain line Checkfor kinks, bends or obstructions(see page 16
in your installation manual).
Plugged or dirty nozzle & venturi Take apart and clean or replace damaged parts (see
page 3-2).
Valve-rotor disc & seals Check for scratches or grooves, replace if needed.
Problems, Questions? Call 1-800-426-9345 Kenmore Water Line