Old Fashioned Sago Pudding
Serves 4
½ cup/75g sago
1 cups/250ml milk
1 cups/250g sugar
1 cups/150g sultanas
1 cups/100g fresh breadcrumbs
1 tablespoons/20g melted butter
2 teaspoon/10g bi-carbonate of soda
2 x 60g egg
1. Soak sago in milk overnight. Add
remaining ingredients and mix
thoroughly. Place mixture into a
heatproof pudding bowl or casserole
dish that fits in the removable crockery
bowl. Cover the bowl or dish with foil
and secure around the edge with
kitchen string. Place a small trivet or
upturned heatproof saucer into the
removable crockery bowl and add
1-2 litres of water. Place the prepared
pudding bowl onto the trivet.
2. Cover with lid and cook on HIGH
setting for 3-4 hours. Serve hot or warm
with thickened cream and a sprinkle
of cinnamon or nutmeg.
NOTE: Replenish water in the
removable crockery bowl during
the cooking time if required.
Ensure the water does not
ingress into the pudding bowl.
Rice Custard
Serves 4
2 cups/400g rice
5 cups/1 ¼ litres boiling water
3 x 60g eggs
1 ¼ cups/315g sugar
4 cups/1 litre milk
1 teaspoon/5g vanilla essence
1 tablespoons/20g butter
Nutmeg, to taste
½ cup/85g raisins
1. Wash rice thoroughly under cold
running water, drain well. Cook rice
in boiling water for 20 minutes. Drain
well and put into a greased heatproof
pudding bowl or dish that will fit in the
removable crockery bowl. Beat eggs
with sugar, add remaining ingredients
then stir into the rice.
2. Cover pudding bowl or dish with
foil and secure edge with kitchen
string. Place a small trivet or upturned
heatproof saucer into the removable
crockery bowl and add 1-2 litres of
water. Place the prepared pudding
bowl onto the trivet.
3. Cover with lid and cook on LOW
setting for 4-5 hours. Serve warm.
NOTE: Replenish water in the
removable crockery bowl during
the cooking time if required.
Ensure the water does not
ingress into the pudding bowl.