Mini Oven Cooking Guide
setting ºC
Oven Temperature
Function/Food using
‘top and bottom’ elements
60ºC-90ºC Warm Warming plates/dishes
120ºC-170ºC Slow – Moderate Rich fruit cakes, shortbreads, cakes, biscuits and slices
180ºC-200ºC Moderate – Hot Casseroles, roast meats and vegetables
200ºC-MAX Hot – Very Hot Bread, muffins, pastry, scones and pizza
setting ºC
Food Type Approximate cooking times using ‘top’
element only
MAX GRILL Thin sausages 10 minutes
MAX GRILL Thick sausages 12-14 minutes
MAX GRILL Lamb chops 10 minutes
MAX GRILL Steaks each side 6-8 minutes for medium rare, 10-12 minutes for well
done both depending on thickness of meat
MAX GRILL Kebabs 10-12 minutes
cooked at 180ºC
Beef – rare 20-25 minutes
Beef – medium 28-35 minutes
Beef – well done 35-40 minutes
Lamb – medium 35-40 minutes
Lamb – well done 40-45 minutes
Veal – well done 28-35 minutes
Pork – well done 40-45 minutes
Chicken 30-40 minutes
Mini Oven Roasting Guide
– Place no more than 1.5Kg of meat into oven at any one time
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