http://(IP Address)/v686.cab ... JPEG/MPEG-4 Viewer, PTZ Control Client
Ex.) When IP address of VN-V685/686/686B is “”:
ii) Download dialog box is showed. Please click save button and copy to some folder in the PC.
8.2. Properties of ActiveX
JPEG Viewer/MPEG-4 Viewer
Property Meaning
IP IP Address of camera: Required when RcvMode is TCP.
HttpPort Port Number of camera: Required when RcvMode is TCP.
(1 - 65535) Default: 80
MultiIP IP Address of multicast: Required when RcvMode is multicast.
Default: (JPEG), (MPEG-4)
MultiPort Port Number of multicast: Required when RcvMode is multicast.
(1 - 65535) Default: 49152 (JPEG), 59152 (MPEG-4)
RcvMode Desired stream
(0: TCP, 1: multicast)
*JPEG only
Frame Rate of JEPG
To specify a frame rate lower than 1fps, use “-“. For example, specify -5 for 1/5 fps.
(30, 25, 15, 10, 7.5, 6, 5, 3, 2, 1, -2, -3, -5, -10, -15, -20, -30, -60)
Default: 15
DispWidth Width of Display
When the size is different from original frame size, the image is scaled.
Default: 640
DispHeight Height of Display
When the size is different from original frame size, the image is scaled.
Default: 480
DispTitle Display of Camera ID
(0: hide, 1: display) Default: 0
*JPEG only
Display of Motion Detection
(0: hide, 1: display) Default: 0
DispPosTitle Display of Position Title
(0: hide, 1: display) Default: 0
*JPEG only
Display of Intelligent Tracking status
(0: hide, 1: display) Default: 1
*Intelligent Tracking is not supported by VN-V686 before v1.02.
*MPEG-4 only
Get Intelligent Tracking status
(0: stopped, 1: tracking, 2: losing)
*This property is read only.
*Intelligent Tracking is not supported by VN-V686 before v1.02.
*JPEG only
Display of Intelligent Tracking Frame
(0: hide, 1: display) Default: 1
*Intelligent Tracking is not supported by VN-V686 before v1.02.
DispTimeCode Display of Time Code
(0: hide, 1: display) Default: 0