
<FORM name="myForm"><DIV STYLE=" position:absolute; top:50px; left:10px;">
SOUND MONITOR <!-- Controls -->
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" Start " onClick="moni_play_click();
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" Stop " onClick="moni_stop_click();
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" Muting On " onClick="moni_muteOn_click();">
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" Muting Off " onClick="moni_muteOff_click();">
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" Volume Up " onClick="moni_up_click();">
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" Volume Down " onClick="moni_down_click();">
11.2. Audio Sender from PC to VN-V26
(1) Properties of ActiveX
- IP IP address of VN-V26
- ApiPort HTTP Port Number of VN-V26
- SoundPort Port Number of audio receiver in VN-V26. Default value is 49298.
- Password Set the password of operator.
- DispLang Select language for messages. Set 1 for English, set 0 for Japanese.
- Result Shows result of reserving audio sending. After executing Play method, 0 or 1 is stored.
0 means that audio sending is not available because another client is sending audio.
1 means that audio sending is ready.
(2) Methods of ActiveX
- Play Start playback
- Stop Stop playback
- Destroy Terminate the ActiveX. Execute this method when close an application that uses this ActiveX.