Accessories and choose Command Prompt.) Type: Ping If the message “Reply
from…” appears, it means the connection is done.
4. Start Internet Explorer and enter IP address: A login window will appear. Enter the
default user name: admin and password: jvc to log in.
5. Images of the camera can be viewed through Internet Explorer. Before viewing, follow these
steps to enable the display.
a. Enable Cookies as shown below:
• In Internet Explorer, click Internet Options on the Tools menu.
• On the Privacy tab, move the settings slider to Low or Accept All Cookies.
• Click OK.
b. When a proxy server is used, click Internet Options on the Tools menu of Internet Explorer,
select Connect tab, click LAN button, and set proxy server.
c. Change Security in Internet options as shown below:
• On tool menu, click Internet Option.
• Press the Security tab.
• If the camera operates inside the Intranet, click the Intranet icon. If the camera operates on
the Internet, click the Internet icon.