* The [Set values] in bold letters are factory defaults.
A SNTP Sets the SNTP client function.
OFF :Does not access to NTP server.
ON :Gets the time by periodical accessing to the specified NTP server.
[Set values: OFF, ON]
● The time is recorded in the JPEG header when distributed by the camera.
The time recorded in the JPEG header may not continue immediately
before and after the acquisition of time from NTP server.
B SNTP Server Sets an IP address of NTP server.
[Factory default:]
C Interval Sets a unit and values of measurement for the time interval at which to
access the NTP server.
[Set values: Min (1 - 60), Hour (1 - 24), Day (1 - 31)]
D Time Displays the clock time of camera.
You can correct the time by entering a value (without seconds).
● The time is recorded in the JPEG header when distributed by the camera.
Discontinuity may occur in the JPEG header's time immediately before
and after changing the time.
E Time Zone Sets a time zone.
[Set value: (GMT-12:00) to (GMT)UTC to (GMT+12:45)]
PC Time to Camera
Click [Set] to set the computer's time on the camera.